How to Reduce Waste on Building Sites in 5 Simple Steps

A huge challenge and a problem that faces the construction industry on a daily basis and that is the large volume of waste that is accumulated. With many companies lacking in both the motivation, but also the knowledge of how to responsibly reduce waste on building sites, by making a small change, it can help them to be not just efficient, but profitable with the available resources.

To highlight this issue and to put the large scale of waste accumulation on building sites into perspective, in 2017 the construction industry produced a whopping 20.4 million tonnes of waste that was unnecessary sent to landfills. By taking the time to review the amount of waste that is created in building sites and putting an effective disposal service in place, construction companies could see the benefit, while working to improve their profit margins.

For companies planning on taking their first steps and beginning to reduce the amount of waste created and disposed of, we have put together 5 simple steps on how to tackle this challenge. From helping to reduce waste production, leading to decreased costs in waste movements and landfill tax, there really is no excuse to delay construction waste management.