HS2 reveals new vacuum excavation technique for piling

HS2 has unveiled a new vacuum excavation technique for piling which is better for the environment, safer for workers and reduces construction noise

Lee Piper, working for HS2 contractor Skanska Costain STRABAG joint venture (SCS JV), identified the opportunity to test a new piling technique and worked with a colleague, Deon Louw from Cementation Skanska, to develop the pioneering new approach.

The “zero trim pile technique” involves sucking out excess concrete whilst still wet using a new vacuum excavator technique.

Traditionally in piling, concrete is over poured and then workers have to break out the excess concrete. This can cause a lot of health problems, including hand-arm vibration syndrome, hearing loss and silicosis. By removing the need to break out excess concrete, this new approach is safer for workers, and also reduces the man-hours involved in complex piling work.

Whilst vacuum excavation technology is not new, using it in this way in the construction sector marks a step change, and initial trials have proved successful.

Hercules Site Services, a company from Cirencester, were keen to develop the technology, and provided a machine for use on site in the Euston Approaches, for use on real life piles.

‘Transformational for the construction sector’

Lee Piper, site superintendent for Skanska Costain STRABAG joint venture, said: “I have worked in the construction sector for over 20 years, and the same piling techniques have been used throughout that time. Working with