15 Popular Types of Wood used in the Construction Industry

Trees and wood have been an integral part of the development of our civilization. Different types of wood have been used from early Paleolithic times for constructing buildings, woodworking & DIY and manufacturing tools, weapons, and furniture. Right from ancient times, the use of wood has been dependent on cost, quality, and availability.

Wood is a hard-fibrous material forming the trunk and branches of trees or shrubs. There are many structural and non-structural applications of the wood used in construction. As wood is a general term, it is important to understand its application in construction.

Wood is only second to stone in terms of its application in the world of construction. It is a widely preferred material when it comes to building houses, shelters, and boats. The chemical properties of wood are inherently complex, but despite this challenge, we have successfully harnessed its unique characteristics to build a variety of composite structures. Let’s understand why wood enjoys such popularity in the construction and home decor segment.


Benefits of Using Wood in Construction 

  • Wood is a natural material that’s easy to work upon, widely available in huge quantities, and has several varieties. Each type of wood can be used for specific purposes.
  • It is lightweight and sturdy, Further, it is available in a variety of patterns and looks natural.
  • The material has been used since ancient times. Therefore, skilled workers who have adequate knowledge about the different types of wood are easily available globally.
  • Wood retains its thermal properties. Thus, it is highly resistant to high temperatures.
  • The heat conductivity of wood is relatively low in comparison to materials such as aluminum, marble, steel, or glass.
  • It can absorb sound and echo, making it a favorite material for the construction o